Which Dog Breeds Are Banned in India?

In India, certain dog breeds are banned due to concerns about public safety. These bans are part of a broader set of rules known as breed-specific legislation (BSL). The main goal of these bans is to prevent incidents involving aggressive dogs and ensure the safety of the community.

This blog aims to inform readers about which dog breeds are banned in India, the reasons behind these bans, and the implications for dog owners. By understanding these aspects, readers can gain a better perspective on how to be responsible pet owners and navigate the legal landscape concerning dog ownership in India.

Breed-Specific Legislation (BSL)

Breed-specific legislation (BSL) refers to laws or regulations that restrict or ban certain dog breeds deemed dangerous. These laws are designed to reduce the risk of dog attacks on people and other animals by targeting breeds with a history of aggressive behavior.

Global Context

BSL is not unique to India. Many countries have implemented similar laws. For example:

  • United Kingdom: The Dangerous Dogs Act bans breeds like the Pit Bull Terrier and Japanese Tosa.
  • Australia: Several states have restrictions on breeds such as the Dogo Argentino and Fila Brasileiro.
  • United States: Some states and cities have local ordinances banning or regulating certain breeds.

In India, BSL is applied through various local regulations and guidelines issued by municipal corporations. These rules are enforced to manage the population of potentially dangerous dogs and to prevent incidents that could harm people. The specifics of BSL can vary from one region to another, with some areas imposing stricter controls than others.

Which Dog Breeds Are Banned in India?

Reasons for Banning Certain Dog Breeds

Public Safety

One of the primary reasons for banning certain dog breeds is public safety. Breeds that are known for their strength and aggressive tendencies pose a higher risk of causing serious injuries or fatalities. By banning these breeds, authorities aim to reduce the number of dog attacks and ensure the safety of the public.

Historical Incidents

Historical incidents involving aggressive dogs have played a significant role in the implementation of BSL. Notable cases where certain breeds have attacked humans or other animals have prompted authorities to take action. These incidents often receive widespread media coverage, leading to public demand for stricter regulations.

Expert Opinions

Veterinarians, animal behaviorists, and legal experts have provided insights that support the implementation of BSL. Many experts agree that while not all dogs of a certain breed are dangerous, the risk factors associated with certain breeds cannot be ignored. They advocate for a balanced approach that includes both breed-specific bans and measures to promote responsible pet ownership.

Which Dog Breeds Are Banned in India?

American Staffordshire Terrier

The Indian government has banned certain dog breeds based on criteria such as their history of aggression, strength, and potential danger to public safety. These breeds are considered more likely to cause serious harm if they attack. The bans aim to protect the community from dangerous encounters with these dogs.

List of Banned Dog Breeds in India

  1. Pit Bull Terrier
  2. Tosa Inu
  3. American Staffordshire Terrier
  4. Fila Brasileiro
  5. Dogo Argentino
  6. American Bulldog
  7. Boerboel
  8. Kangal
  9. Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Ovcharka)
  10. Caucasian Shepherd Dog (Ovcharka)
  11. South Russian Shepherd Dog (Ovcharka)
  12. Tornjak
  13. Sarplaninac
  14. Japanese Tosa
  15. Akita
  16. Mastiffs (Boerbulls)
  17. Rottweiler
  18. Terriers
  19. Rhodesian Ridgeback
  20. Wolf Dogs
  21. Perro de Presa Canario
  22. Akbash Dog
  23. Moscow Guard Dog
  24. Cane Corso
  25. Ban Dog (or Bandog)

Legal Implications for Owners

Ownership Restrictions

Laws regarding the ownership of banned breeds vary across different regions in India. Generally, these laws prohibit the import, sale, and ownership of the specified breeds. Owners are required to follow strict guidelines, including keeping the dogs in secure environments and using muzzles in public.

Penalties and Enforcement

Penalties for violating these bans can include fines and the confiscation of the dog. Enforcement is carried out by local authorities, who have the power to inspect properties, seize banned breeds, and impose legal consequences on owners who do not comply with the regulations.

Registration and Exceptions

In some cases, there may be special permissions or exceptions for owning banned breeds. These might include registration with local authorities, proof of extensive training, and adherence to strict containment and handling rules. Exceptions are generally rare and subject to stringent conditions.

Alternatives to Banning: Responsible Pet Ownership

Education and Training

Educating dog owners and training dogs are crucial steps in promoting responsible pet ownership. Proper education helps owners understand the specific needs and behaviors of their dogs. Training ensures that dogs are well-behaved and less likely to become aggressive. By investing time in training, owners can teach their dogs commands and good manners, reducing the risk of dangerous incidents.


Proper socialization is crucial in preventing aggressive behavior in dogs. Introducing dogs to different people, environments, and other animals from a young age helps them become well-adjusted and less likely to react aggressively. Proper socialization ensures that dogs are comfortable and confident in various situations, reducing the likelihood of fear-based aggression.

Community Programs

Community programs can support responsible pet ownership and reduce the need for breed-specific bans. Examples of successful community-based approaches include:

  • Dog Training Classes: Offering affordable or free training classes to dog owners.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Educating the public about responsible dog ownership and the importance of training and socialization.
  • Support Groups: Creating support networks for dog owners to share experiences and advice.

Impact on Dog Owners and Dogs

 Dog Breeds

Emotional and Social Impact

Banning certain dog breeds can have significant emotional and social impacts on dog owners and their pets. Owners may feel stigmatized or unfairly targeted, leading to stress and anxiety. Pets may suffer from the loss of their homes if they need to be relocated due to the bans, affecting their well-being and behavior.

Adoption and Relocation

Adopting or relocating banned breeds can be challenging. Potential adopters may be hesitant to take in a banned breed due to legal restrictions and perceived risks. Additionally, finding a new home for banned breeds can be difficult, often leading to these dogs being surrendered to shelters or euthanized.

Support Systems

Resources and support systems are available for owners affected by breed-specific bans. These can include:

  • Legal Advice: Providing guidance on navigating breed-specific laws.
  • Training and Behavior Specialists: Offering assistance in managing and training dogs.
  • Advocacy Groups: Supporting owners in advocating for fair treatment and alternatives to bans.

Controversies and Debates

Effectiveness of Bans

There is ongoing debate about the effectiveness of breed-specific bans. Critics argue that banning specific breeds does not address the root cause of aggressive behavior and that responsible ownership and training are more effective solutions. Supporters of the bans believe they are necessary to protect public safety.

Alternatives to BSL

Arguments for alternative approaches to breed-specific legislation include:

  • Enforcing Stronger General Dog Laws: Implementing stricter regulations for all breeds, focusing on owner responsibility and dog behavior.
  • Mandatory Training and Socialization: Requiring owners to provide training and socialization for their dogs.
  • Behavior-Based Assessments: Assessing individual dogs based on behavior rather than breed.

Ethical Considerations

Banning specific breeds raises ethical concerns. Many believe it is unfair to target entire breeds based on the actions of a few dogs. Ethical considerations also include the welfare of the dogs that may be euthanized or displaced due to the bans. Advocates for animal rights argue for a more balanced approach that focuses on responsible ownership and behavior management.


This blog has discussed the reasons behind the banning of certain dog breeds in India, the breeds that are banned, and the legal implications for owners. It has also explored alternatives to breed-specific bans, the impact on owners and dogs, and the controversies surrounding the effectiveness and ethics of these bans.

While breed-specific legislation aims to protect public safety, it is essential to consider responsible pet ownership as a more effective and humane solution. Educating owners, training dogs, and promoting socialization can significantly reduce the risk of aggressive behavior. By focusing on these aspects, we can create safer communities for both humans and dogs.

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  1. Is any dog breed banned in India?

    Yes, certain dog breeds are banned in India due to concerns about public safety. These bans are part of breed-specific legislation aimed at reducing the risk of aggressive incidents involving these breeds.

  2. Which 23 dogs are banned in India?

    Pitbull Terrier, Wolf Dogs, American Staffordshire Terrier, Fila Brasileiro, Dogo Argentino, American Bulldog, Boerboel, Kangal, Central Asian Shepherd Dog (ovcharka), Caucasian Shepherd Dog (ovcharka), South Russian Shepherd dog (ovcharka), Tornjak, Sarplaninac, Japanese Tosa and Akita, Mastiffs (boerbulls), Rottweiler, Terriers, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Tosa Inu, Canario, Akbash dog, Moscow Guard dog, Cane Corso and every dog of the type commonly known as a Ban Dog (or Bandog)

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    Some rare and exotic breeds may not be readily available in India due to import restrictions, climate suitability, and other factors. For example, breeds like the Tibetan Mastiff or the Komondor are less commonly found in India.

  4. Is Rottweiler banned in Kerala?

    Rottweilers are not banned across all of India, but some regions, including certain parts of Kerala, may have specific regulations or restrictions regarding their ownership. Local laws can vary, so it’s essential to check the specific rules in your area.

  5. Is Husky a wolf dog?

    No, the Siberian Husky is not a wolf dog. Although Huskies may have a wolf-like appearance, they are a distinct breed of domestic dog. Wolf dogs are hybrids between domestic dogs and wolves, which is a different category altogether.

  6. Which is the rare dog in India?

    The rarest dog in India is likely the Rajapalayam, an ancient Indian breed known for its hunting skills. Another rare breed is the Mudhol Hound, which is native to the Deccan Plateau. These breeds are less common and often difficult to find outside their native regions.

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