Best Low Maintenance Dog Breeds in India

In today’s fast-paced world, many people find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, leaving little time for the demanding care routines that some pets require. For dog lovers, this can be particularly challenging.

Enter the low-maintenance dog: a perfect companion for those who seek the joy and companionship of a pet without the extensive upkeep. Low-maintenance dogs are ideal for busy professionals, families with hectic schedules, and anyone looking for a loyal friend who doesn’t demand too much time and effort.

This blog aims to serve as a comprehensive guide for selecting the best low maintenance dog breeds suitable for Indian households. By providing detailed information on various breeds, their care requirements, and their adaptability to the Indian climate, we hope to help prospective dog owners make informed decisions.

Whether you’re a first-time dog owner or an experienced pet parent looking for a low-maintenance addition to your family, this guide will offer valuable insights.

Brief Overview

When choosing a dog, several factors need to be considered to ensure that the pet can thrive in your home environment. Key considerations include:

  • Grooming Needs: Breeds that require minimal grooming can save time and effort.
  • Exercise Requirements: Dogs with moderate exercise needs are easier to accommodate in busy schedules.
  • Adaptability: Breeds that can adapt to the Indian climate and living conditions, such as apartments or small homes, are more practical for many pet owners.

Understanding Low Maintenance Dogs

Definition and Traits

Explanation of What Qualifies a Dog as Low Maintenance Low-maintenance dogs are breeds that require less time, effort, and resources to care for compared to other breeds. These dogs typically have lower grooming needs, moderate exercise requirements, and fewer health issues, making them easier to manage.

Traits to Look For

  • Minimal Grooming: Breeds with short coats or those that do not shed excessively are considered low-maintenance in terms of grooming.
  • Moderate Exercise Needs: Dogs that are content with a couple of walks a day and some playtime at home are easier to care for.
  • Adaptability: Breeds that can easily adjust to different living environments and climates, particularly the diverse conditions in India.
  • Health Resilience: Dogs that are generally healthy and not prone to chronic health issues or genetic disorders.

Benefits of Low Maintenance Dogs

Easier to Care For: With less grooming and moderate exercise needs, these dogs are easier to look after, making them perfect for busy individuals.

Suitable for Families: Low-maintenance breeds are often good with children and can fit well into family life.

Cost-Effective: Fewer grooming sessions and lower medical bills make these breeds more economical.

Less Stressful: Having a pet that requires less attention and care reduces the stress on the owner, allowing for a more enjoyable pet-owning experience.

Key Considerations for Indian Pet Owners

Climate Adaptability

Importance of Choosing Breeds That Can Thrive in India’s Diverse Climates India’s climate varies greatly from region to region, with hot summers, humid monsoons, and cooler winters. It’s crucial to choose a breed that can comfortably adapt to these conditions. Breeds with shorter coats and heat tolerance are often better suited for India’s warmer areas, while others might need protection from extreme heat or humidity.

Space and Living Conditions

Breeds Suitable for Apartments vs. Those Needing More Space Urban living often means limited space, making it important to select a breed that can thrive in smaller living quarters. Some breeds are content in apartments as long as they get enough exercise, while others may need more room to roam and play.

Common Health Concerns in India

Breeds Known for Their Resilience Against Common Health Issues in India Certain health issues, such as heatstroke, tick-borne diseases, and allergies, are more prevalent in India. Choosing breeds that are naturally resilient or less susceptible to these conditions can lead to a healthier and happier pet.

Top Low Maintenance Dog Breeds in India



The Beagle is a small, friendly, and energetic breed known for its excellent sense of smell. They are curious and love to explore, making them fun companions.

Maintenance Needs:
Beagles have short coats that require minimal grooming. Regular brushing can help control shedding. They need moderate exercise, such as daily walks and playtime, to keep them healthy and happy.

Beagles are great for families due to their friendly nature and adaptability. They can live comfortably in apartments if given enough exercise.

Indian Pariah Dog

Indian Pariah Dog

The Indian Pariah Dog, also known as the Desi Dog, is a native breed that is highly adaptable and resilient. They are intelligent and loyal companions.

Maintenance Needs:
This breed has a short coat that requires very low grooming. They are generally healthy and have minimal health issues, making them easy to care for.

Indian Pariah Dogs thrive in the Indian climate and are well-suited for both rural and urban environments. They are loyal and protective, making them excellent family pets.



Dachshunds are small, playful dogs with a distinctive long body and short legs. They are known for their lively and courageous personality.

Maintenance Needs:
Dachshunds require moderate grooming, especially the long-haired variety. Regular brushing and occasional baths are sufficient. They need regular exercise but not excessively so.

Dachshunds are suitable for apartments and smaller living spaces. They are great companions for singles or couples due to their affectionate nature.



Pugs are small, affectionate dogs known for their wrinkled faces and charming personalities. They are easygoing and love to be around people.

Maintenance Needs:
Pugs have short coats that require minimal grooming. Regularly cleaning facial wrinkles is important to prevent infections. They need moderate exercise to maintain their health.

Pugs are highly adaptable to apartment living and are excellent with children. Their friendly nature makes them excellent family pets.



Chihuahuas are tiny dogs with a lively and bold personality. They are one of the smallest dog breeds but have a big attitude.

Maintenance Needs:
Chihuahuas have short coats that are easy to groom. Regular brushing and occasional baths are sufficient. They need regular short walks and playtime.

Chihuahuas are perfect for small apartments and are ideal companions for singles. They are loyal and can form strong bonds with their owners.

Caring for Your Low Maintenance Dog

Diet and Nutrition

Importance of a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is crucial for keeping your dog healthy and happy. Just like humans, dogs need the right mix of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals to stay in good shape. A proper diet helps maintain their energy levels, supports their immune system, and keeps their coat shiny and skin healthy.

Tips on Feeding Schedules and Portions

  • Feeding Schedules: It’s best to feed your dog at the same times each day. For most adult dogs, two meals a day are ideal – once in the morning and once in the evening. Puppies and younger dogs may need three to four meals a day.
  • Portion Control: The amount of food your dog needs depends on their breed, size, age, and activity level. Always check the feeding guidelines on the dog food package and adjust the portions as needed. To prevent obesity and related health issues, avoid overfeeding.

Exercise Requirements

Daily Exercise Needs for Each Breed

  • Beagle: Needs about 30-60 minutes of exercise daily. This can involve walks, playtime, and activities that provide mental stimulation.
  • Indian Pariah Dog: Requires around 30-45 minutes of daily exercise, including walks and some playtime.
  • Dachshund: Needs about 30 minutes of exercise daily, which can be split into short walks and play sessions.
  • Pug: Requires about 20-30 minutes of moderate exercise daily, such as short walks and gentle play.
  • Chihuahua: Needs around 20-30 minutes of exercise daily, including short walks and indoor playtime.

Simple Exercise Routines Suitable for Busy Owners

  • Short Walks: Take your dog for a quick walk around the block in the morning and evening.
  • Indoor Play: Engage in interactive play with toys like balls or tug ropes inside your home.
  • Fetch: If you have a backyard, playing fetch is a great way to exercise your dog without needing a long walk.
  • Mental Stimulation: Puzzle toys and training sessions can keep your dog mentally and physically active, especially if you have limited time.

Grooming Tips

Basic Grooming Routines for Low-Maintenance Breeds

  • Beagle: Brush their coat once a week to remove loose hair. Bathe them as needed, usually once a month.
  • Indian Pariah Dog: Requires minimal grooming. Brush occasionally to remove dirt and loose hair. Bathe only when necessary.
  • Dachshund: Brush regularly, especially the long-haired variety, to prevent matting. Bathe them as needed.
  • Pug: Brush their coat weekly and clean their facial wrinkles daily to prevent infections. Bathe monthly.
  • Chihuahua: Brush their coat regularly to reduce shedding. Bathe as necessary, typically once a month.

Essential Grooming Tools and Products

  • Brushes and Combs: Choose the right type for your dog’s coat – a slicker brush for short coats and a bristle brush for longer coats.
  • Shampoo and Conditioner: Use dog-specific products to avoid skin irritation.
  • Nail Clippers: Trim your dog’s nails regularly to prevent overgrowth and discomfort.
  • Ear Cleaner: Regularly clean your dog’s ears to prevent infections.
  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste: Brush your dog’s teeth several times a week to maintain dental health.


Low-maintenance dogs are easier to care for, making them perfect for busy individuals and families. They require less grooming, moderate exercise, and are generally healthy and resilient.

  • Beagle: Friendly and adaptable, needs moderate exercise.
  • Indian Pariah Dog: Highly adaptable and low grooming needs.
  • Dachshund: Playful and suitable for apartments, needs regular grooming.
  • Pug: Affectionate and great for apartment living, minimal grooming.
  • Chihuahua: Tiny and lively, perfect for small apartments.

Owning a dog is a long-term commitment. Ensure you have the time, resources, and dedication to care for your pet properly. Regular vet check-ups, a balanced diet, proper exercise, and grooming are essential for your dog’s well-being.

Consider adopting a dog from a shelter to give a homeless pet a loving home. If you decide to buy from a breeder, make sure they are reputable and prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs.

Additional Resources

Adoption Centers:

  • Blue Cross of India
  • CUPA (Compassion Unlimited Plus Action)
  • PETA India

Reputable Breeders:

  • Kennel Club of India (KCI) approved breeders
  • Local breed-specific clubs and associations


  1. What is the easiest dog to take care of?

    Breeds like the Indian Pariah Dog, Beagle, and Pug are known for their low maintenance needs.

  2. How often should I groom my low-maintenance dog?

    Most low-maintenance breeds require weekly brushing and monthly baths.

  3. Can low-maintenance dogs live in apartments?

    Yes, many low-maintenance breeds, such as Pugs and Chihuahuas, are well-suited for apartment living.

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