How To Transport Pets In India (2024)

Transporting pets safely is crucial for their well-being and comfort. Whether you’re taking a short trip to the vet or a long journey across the country, ensuring your pet travels securely and comfortably is essential. In recent years, pet ownership in India has been on the rise, with more families welcoming furry friends into their homes. As a result, there’s an increasing need for proper methods to transport pets safely.

This blog aims to provide a detailed guide on how to transport pets in India. We’ll cover various methods and offer practical tips to make the journey as smooth as possible for both you and your pet.

Preparing Your Pet for Travel

Health Check-Up

Before any trip, it’s important to take your pet to the vet. A health check-up ensures your pet is fit for travel and helps catch any potential health issues early.

Make sure your pet’s vaccinations are up to date. For longer journeys or air travel, you’ll often need a health certificate from your vet confirming your pet is healthy and fit to travel.

Acclimating Your Pet

If your pet isn’t used to a crate, start by introducing it slowly. Let your pet explore the crate on their own, making it a positive space with treats and toys. Gradually extend the duration they spend inside with the door closed.

Take your pet on short car rides to get them used to the motion and environment. Start with brief trips and gradually increase the duration to help reduce travel anxiety.

Transporting Pets by Car

Transporting Pets by Car

Safety Measures

Using a pet seat belt or crate keeps your pet safe during the journey. It prevents them from moving around too much, which can be distracting and dangerous.

Make sure your car is well-ventilated and maintain a comfortable temperature. Never leave your pet alone in the car, especially in high temperatures.

Comfort During Travel

Plan to stop every couple of hours to let your pet stretch and relieve themselves. Short walks can help reduce their stress and keep them comfortable.

Calm music and familiar items like their favorite blanket or toy can help soothe your pet. Talk to your pet in a calm voice and reassure them throughout the journey.

Transporting Pets by Train

Transporting Pets by Train

Indian Railways Rules and Regulations

Indian Railways allows pets to travel with their owners, but there are specific rules. Pets are generally allowed in First AC compartments and brake vans. Booking in advance is necessary to ensure there’s space for your pet.

You’ll need to provide your pet’s health certificate and vaccination records when booking. It’s important to book well in advance, especially for long-distance journeys, to secure a spot for your pet.

Types of Train Accommodation for Pets

First AC and Brake Van Options

  • First AC: Pets are allowed in First AC compartments if you book the entire compartment. This ensures other passengers are not disturbed and your pet has enough space.
  • Brake Van: This is an option for transporting pets, especially larger animals. Pets travel in a secure crate, but it’s less comfortable than First AC.

Preparing for the Journey

Make sure your pet has a comfortable crate with enough space to stand, turn around, and lie down. Be considerate of other passengers. Not everyone is comfortable around pets. Keep your pet calm and quiet. During stops, ensure your pet gets a chance to relieve themselves and stretch.

Transporting Pets by Air

Transporting Pets by Air

Airline Policies

Major airlines like Air India, IndiGo, and SpiceJet allow pets, but each has its own policies. Make sure to ask the airline ahead of time about their rules.

You’ll need to provide a health certificate, vaccination records, and an ID tag for your pet. Booking in advance is crucial, as airlines have limited space for pets.

Types of Air Travel for Pets

In-Cabin vs. Cargo Hold Travel Options

  • In-Cabin: Small pets can travel in the cabin if their crate fits under the seat in front of you. This is more comfortable and less stressful for pets.
  • Cargo Hold: Larger pets must travel in the cargo hold. Ensure the crate is secure and meets airline standards.

Choose in-cabin travel if your pet is small enough and the airline allows it. For larger pets, ensure the cargo hold is temperature-controlled and safe.

Pre-Flight Preparations

Get your pet used to the travel crate before the flight. Make it a positive space with treats and familiar items. Avoid feeding them too close to the flight time to prevent motion sickness. Ensure they are well-hydrated.

At the Airport

Arrive early to allow plenty of time for the check-in process. Inform the airline staff about your pet and follow their instructions for check-in.

Recommendation: Which Pets Are Legal in India

Transporting Pets by Bus

Bus Operator Policies

Many private bus operators have different policies regarding pets. Some may allow small pets in carriers, while others may not allow pets at all. It’s important to check with the bus company before booking.

Check if the bus operator requires any documentation, like a health certificate or vaccination records. Book your ticket in advance and confirm that traveling with your pet is permitted.

Preparing Your Pet for Bus Travel

Ensure your pet is comfortable in a carrier that is well-ventilated. Bring their favorite blanket or toy to keep them calm. Make sure the carrier is secure and doesn’t move around during the trip.

Take short trips to get your pet used to bus travel. Feed them a light meal a few hours before the trip and avoid overfeeding to prevent motion sickness. Bring water and offer it regularly during breaks.

Transporting Pets Internationally

Regulations and Documentation

When transporting your pet internationally, you need several important documents. These typically include:

  • Health Certificate: Issued by a licensed veterinarian, confirming your pet is healthy and fit for travel.

  • Vaccination Records: Up-to-date records of all required vaccinations, including rabies.

  • Microchip Information: Many countries require pets to be microchipped with an ISO-compliant microchip.

Overview of Import/Export Regulations for Pets

Each country has its own rules for importing and exporting pets. It’s important to find out the rules of the country you’re going to. Common requirements include:

  • Import Permit: Some countries require an import permit for pets.

  • Quarantine: Certain countries have quarantine periods for incoming pets.

  • Breed Restrictions: Some places have restrictions on specific breeds.

Cargo Services vs. Pet Relocation Companies

Cargo Services: Airlines offer cargo services where pets travel in the cargo hold. This method is suitable for larger pets and long-distance travel.

  • Pros: Generally more affordable, available on most international flights.
  • Cons: Pets travel separately from owners, can be stressful for the pet.

Pet Relocation Companies: These companies specialize in transporting pets and handle all logistics, including documentation and travel arrangements.

  • Pros: Comprehensive service, less hassle for the owner, and more personalized care for the pet.
  • Cons: More expensive than using cargo services.


Transporting pets, whether within India or internationally, requires careful planning and consideration. Understanding the specific regulations, choosing the right method of transport, and ensuring your pet’s comfort throughout the journey are all crucial steps.

Preparing in advance with necessary documentation, familiarizing your pet with travel conditions, and packing essential items can make the trip smoother for both you and your pet. Utilizing services like pet relocation companies can alleviate much of the stress involved in the process.

By following the tips and guidelines provided, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable travel experience for your furry friend. With the right approach, traveling with your pet can be a rewarding and positive experience, allowing you to create lasting memories together. Safe travels!


  1. Pet Courier Service Costs in India

    The cost of pet courier services in India varies depending on the distance, type of service, and the size of your pet. On average, it can range from ₹5,000 to ₹20,000 for domestic transport.

  2. How to Transport a Dog from One State to Another in India

    To transport a dog between states in India:
    1) Use a pet-friendly car service or train.
    2) Ensure your dog has a comfortable crate.
    3) Carry health certificates and vaccination records.

  3. How to Transport Pets in India from Delhi

    From Delhi, you can use car services, trains, or flights to transport your pet. Ensure all documentation is ready and choose the method that best suits your pet’s needs.

  4. International Pet Relocation Services India

    Several companies offer international pet relocation services in India, including Carry My Pet, Petfly, and Furry Flyers. These services handle all logistics and documentation.

  5. How to Transport a Cat from One State to Another in India

    To transport a cat:
    1) Use a secure carrier.
    2) Travel by car, train, or flight.
    3) Ensure your cat is comfortable and has familiar items like a blanket or toy.

  6. Best Pet Relocation Services in India

    Some of the best pet relocation services in India include Carry My Pet, Petfly, and Furry Flyers. They provide comprehensive services for domestic and international pet transport.

  7. Pet Transport Service in Delhi

    In Delhi, pet transport services like Carry My Pet and Petfly offer specialized services for safe and comfortable pet travel.

  8. Carry My Pet Charges

    Carry My Pet charges vary based on the distance, service type, and pet size. For an accurate quote, it’s best to contact them directly with your specific requirements.

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